Faizah Imani reports:
"When trying to persuade company management to implement changes in policy and procedures, a justification report is highly recommended. The whole point of this report is to justify your stance on a particular situation or issue. Present the problem as well as the resolution. The key to writing an effective justification report is to be as thorough as possible. Leave no stone unturned. The report does not have to be a certain length, only long enough to successfully get your point across...Write the justification report in business memorandum format. This format includes a 'To,' 'From,' 'Date,' and 'Subject' field in the upper left[-]hand corner of the page...Document in the 'To' field the name of the person or group you are sending the report to. If using a person's name, use his first and last name. A sample group name is 'XYZ Company Management.' In the 'From' field, include your first and last name. Specify the date, including the year, in the 'Date' field. In the 'Subject' field, specify the subject you are discussing in your report. For instance, 'Transforming Into A Green Business.'...Describe in the first paragraph the issue you are attempting to justify and your reasons for doing so...Mention any data pertinent to the issue. These facts and statistics should help persuade others to take your stance on the issue. For example, if you want the company to adopt more eco-friendly policies, cite data on how installing solar panels at the workplace might help reduce energy costs over the long term. Also provide information on government-sponsored incentive programs for companies that go green. Be sure to document the sources of your data...Sell your idea in the conclusion. Summarize how your idea, if implemented, will affect positive change. Add charts to give the reader a visual of how your recommendations will positively impact the company...Include a short statement indicating that you look forward to the response of everyone reading your report and that you are willing to meet at their convenience to discuss the matter further...Insert a professional salutation to close your letter. As an example, end your letter with 'Sincerely,' followed by your name and signature." Leave a Reply. |
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