Jacky Gamble reports:
"A sealed bid is often submitted when a company or individual puts out an invitation to bid. An invitation to bid usually asks companies to submit a proposal of services and fees for a contracted project specified in the invitation. An invitation to bid may also request sealed bids for the purchase of a product or equipment...Review the terms and specifications within the invitation to bid. Pay attention to the deadline date, as your sealed bid will not be accepted after the deadline has passed. Create a cover letter and company biography. The cover letter should include a title describing what the bid is for, and the company biography should provide information about the company and specialty services. Create the bid itself on the next page. This page should explain the services you will provide, based on the specifications of the invitation to bid. It will also list your prices and [the] time it will take you to complete the project. Include a contract with your bid packet. The contract should restate the services provided, prices, and dates you will start and end the project. Keep the contract concise, limiting it to one or two pages. Provide a list of references with your bid packet. Include the reference's company name, contact person, address and phone number. Insert the bid into a large addressed envelope, and seal. Mail the sealed bid or...deliver by hand...Insert your bid packet in a clear presentation binder." Leave a Reply. |
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February 2025
CategoriesJ.D. Parsons
Author SEO Writer Proofreader Editor Internet Researcher |