Seeta Shah Roath, Ed.D. reports:
"A departmental report generally describes the achievements of goals and objectives for the reporting period...It includes challenges, successes, failures and recommendations. Different organizations may require customized formats. For long reports, an executive summary written in less technical jargon may be appropriate for top management and clients who wish to be updated on main points/issues but not read the whole report. Gather information from all sections of the department. Keep information under appropriate headings consistent with previous or standard reporting formats allowing easy access to readers’ interest areas...Highlight significant achievements, events, developments, progress and predictions in the introduction section. Mention major challenges, shortfalls and limitations. Describe the details of the goals/objectives for the reporting period. Under each goal/objective, describe successes and challenges, how they were addressed and rationale. Say what systems were put in place to avoid/address similar challenges in the future. Summarize key production figures/output levels in the production update section. Compare with previous reporting period. Add projections for next reporting period. Support with visual representations such as tables, graphs and charts as appropriate. Include a section for ongoing projects. Describe highlights, developments within the reporting period, difficulties and limitations. Include expectations and shortfalls. Use visual representations for input/output information, trends...and predictions. Use a separate section for new activities and projects developed during the reporting period. Treat the same as for ongoing projects. Include a section on personnel or human resources matters. State names and functions of any new employees. Mention any employment reduction and reasons. Add any vacancies if applicable. Include a section for training and professional development. Mention resources, highlights and limitations. Include the benefits to the department, employees and organization. Add upcoming opportunities. Include a separate section on budgeting. Enter amounts allocated, amounts used, balance gains and/or shortfalls. Use standard budget format for the particular organization. Use tables, charts and figures as necessary. Describe future projects in a separate section on prospects, along with anticipated developments, results and predictions. Include goals and objectives for the next reporting period. Discuss recommendations in a separate section. Make suggestions for improvement, expansion and/or developments. Include needed resources, budget considerations and staff additions/reductions if appropriate. Discuss main points in all areas in the summary and conclusions section. Include significant achievements, challenges, recommendations and predictions. Use the appendix to place letters of interest, [subreports]...and other documents needed for support of different aspects of the report. Include any lengthy data tables/charts. Include an executive summary to be placed before the introduction. Write this section after the entire report is completed. Summarize essential points under the main headings used in the larger report. Include summary and conclusions, recommendations, predictions and significant achievements/losses/events. Do not add information not contained in the main report." Leave a Reply. |
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